About + Contact

Welcome! My name is Kate and I’m so grateful you’re here!

How It All Started…

My love of food and gardening has deep roots! From a young age my mom instilled the importance of whole foods, feeding the ones you love nourishing foods, and knowing where your food is coming from. Both of my grandmas are avid gardeners and my maternal grandmother “Memere” taught me a lot about home preserving.

Fast forward to my late teens where my sister and I got the idea to start a food blog! We had SO much fun but darn was life ever busy. I decided to take a break from blogging to finish my degree in elementary education, and to start a family. Fast forward to 2021 when I was a full time teacher, wife, and mom of three… and blogging was still heavy on my heart! With much family support and encouragement, Modern Harvest was born.

A Little Bit More About Me 
I am a self taught cook, using whole foods and simple ingredients. I am also an avid gardener and have kept a large garden for over a decade. I am forever learning new gardening techniques and principles through advice from experienced gardeners and classes through the University of Saskatchewan. 

Modern Harvest’s Mission

My mission as the content creator, recipe developer, and photographer at Modern Harvest is to educate people on where their food comes from (the teacher in me), and how to best use and preserve fresh food.

Modern Harvest’s goal is to help readers like YOU return to your roots with fresh perspectives on traditional skills. I know the importance of growing, eating, and preserving whole foods as much as possible. From companion planting guides to smoker recipes to preservation how-tos, there is something for everyone at Modern Harvest.

Some of my favorite things

Please feel free to email me at [email protected] with any inquiries!